Yr 2.3 Ms Josette Gauci

Ms Christine Vassallo, nurture class teacher, prepared a number of sessions for Yr 1 to Yr 6 students to make the pupils aware of the dangers they might encounter when surfing the internet.

Year 3.3 – Ms Alison Micallef

Activities were adapted according to the age group.

Yr 4.2 Ms Sarah Agius

1. Ice-breaker: Guess the logo / Move like anything / Freeze and Dance

Yr 4.2 Ms Sarah Agius

2. Power point presentation (years 1 – 3): Buddy the Dog’s Internet Safety Story (The children listen to a story and learn a chant related to cyber safety. The presentation also includes various video clips and a quiz.)

Year 4.2 Ms Sarah Agius

To play the quiz, pupils stand up. If the answer is ‘yes’ they have to put both their hands up, if the answer is ‘no’ they have to squat.

Yr 5.1 Mr Michel Spiteri

3. Power point presentation (years 4 – 5): All About Digital Citizenship (Discussions, various video clips and a quiz is included in the presentation)

Yr 5.1 Mr Michel Spiteri

Discussions about important internet safety rules: Ms. Christine Vassallo Rabat Primary Nurture Group

Yr 5.1 Mr Michel Spiteri

Video clips regarding the following topics were shared with students:

Digital footprint explained.

Why should we limit screen time?


Yr 5.2 Ms Noemi Agius

Durng a quiz children had to jot down their answer on their mini whiteboards by writing the letter.

Yr 6.1 Ms Cynthia Attard

These sessions helped to raise awareness among students about internet safety, while learning through play.

Yr 6.1 Ms Cynthia Attard

The school would like to thank Ms Christine Vassallo for her hard work and for supporting the school in a safe manner while reaching out to all students.

Yr 6.2 Mr Luke Micallef