Tul is-snin, The Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation għenet lil bosta familji u l-flus miġbura minn ‘L-Istrina BOV Piggy Bank Campaign’ se jkomplu jgħinu lil dawk li jsibu ruħhom fil-bżonn.Qassamna l-Piggy Banks f’kull klassi. Nħeġġu lill-istudenti tagħna jagħtu dik ix-xi ħaġa biex ngħinu lil min hu fil-bżonn.GrazziL-Amministrazzjoni tal-Iskola Primarja tar-Rabat
Over the years, The Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation helped several families and the collection of money from the Istrina BOV Piggy Bank Campaign is going to help those in need.
We distributed the Piggy Banks in all the classes. We encourage our students to bring something to put in the piggy bank to help those in need.
Rabat Primary School Administration