Dan is-servizz jagħti l-opportunità lill-istudenti biex jieħdu kolazzjon bnin qabel jibdew l-iskola, kif ukoll jintegraw ma’ studenti oħra permezz ta’ logħob u attivitajiet oħra.
Is-servizz tal-Breakfast Club huwa miftuħ għall-istudenti tal-Primarja li l-ġenituri/kustodji legali tagħhom huma it-tnejn impjegati.
Applika https://forms.office.com/r/a2cv56vMV7
Applications for Breakfast Club are now open
This service gives the opportunity to students to have a healthy breakfast before school commences, as well as interact with other students through play and other activities.
The Breakfast Club Service is open for Primary School Students whose parents/legal guardians are both in employment
Apply https://forms.office.com/r/a2cv56vMV7