Għeżież Ġenituri / Kustodji
Dear Parents / Guardians

Il-Laqgħa tal-Ewwel tas-Sena għall-Ġenituri/Kustodi tat-tfal tal-K1.1 u K1.3
Data: Il-Ħamis 29 ta’ Settembru 2022
Ħin: 9:00am
Post: Fil-Bitħa tal-Iskola (idħlu mill-gate tal-bitħa)

– Kunu bilqegħda sad-8:55am biex fid-9:00am nibdew il-laqgħa
– Ġibu l-istationery tat-tifel/tifla tagħkom u poġġi kollox ġo basket. Iktbu l-isem u s-sena tat-tifel/tifla tagħkom fuq barra tal-basket.
– wara l-laqgħa, l-għalliema ta’ kull klassi jagħjtu l-ismijiet tal-istudenti ta’ dik il-klassi.
– il-ġenituri jmorru mal-għalliema fil-klassi u jħallu l-basket bl-istationery hemm.

IMP: meta tmorru fil-klassi, għandkom ftit minuti mal-għalliema. Ftakru li din mhix Parents’ Day.

First of Year Meeting for K1.1 and K1.3 Parents/Guardians:
Date: Thursday 29th September 2022
Time: 9:00am
Location: School’s Yard (entrance from the gate in yard)

– Kindly be seated by 8:55am so that by 9:00am we’ll start the meeting.
– Bring the stationery list of your child with you. Put everything in a bag and write the name of the child and the year group on the outside of the bag.
– after the meeting, the teacher of each class will call out the names of his/her students
– the parents will go with the teacher to the classroom and they will leave the stationery list in the class

IMP: when you go in the class you have a few minutes with the teacher. Remember that this is not a Parents’ Day.

L-Amministrazzjoni tal-Iskola Primarja tar-Rabat

Kind regards
Rabat Primary School Administration